من ی حسی بهم میگه آره ولی یادم نمیاد :|
در هر صورت هر دو هفته یکبار موعد پچ دادن هست، باید میدادن
نمایش نسخه قابل چاپ
۴۰۸ مگابایت آپدیت داشتیم امروز که انحصارا" برای Pudge و Arcana این هیرو بود!
مهمترین قابلیت اینه که pudge موقع استفاده از آلتیمیتش روی هیروهای مختلف و بسته به جنس ساخت اون هیرو ها صدا و افکت های انیمیشنی خاصی داره!!
بقیه اطلاعات رو هم می تونید در اینجا ببینید.
- Aegis now has an alt tooltip that explains how to pronounce the item
- Tier 1 Tower Team Bounty reduced from 120 to 100
- Tier 2 Tower Team Bounty reduced from 200 to 120
- Tier 3 Tower Team Bounty reduced from 200 to 140
- Tier 4 Tower Team Bounty reduced from 200 to 160
- Range barracks team bounty reduced from 150 to 100
- Filler buildings gold bounty from 125 to 75
- Ranged creep average gold bounty reduced from 57 to 54
- Glyph duration increased from 5 to 6
- Melee Barracks HP increased from 1500 to 1800
- Shrines HP increased from 1500 to 1750
- Shrines now have 5 HP regen
- Rescaled Level 12->25 respawn time curve to be slightly less early and the same later on (changed from 48/52/54/56/58/60/70/74/76/78/82/86/90/100 to 44/46/48/50/52/54/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100)
- Removed hero class specific perks, the bonuses now affect all classes.
- Removed Status Resistance as a Strength based attribute bonus
- Rebalanced str/int/agi bonuses below (they still provide +1 bonus damage to primary attribute holders)
- Primary Attribute now provides +25% more benefit to the bonuses it provides
Old Strength:
20 Health 0.71% HP Regen 0.15% Status Resistance
New Strength:
18 Health (+25% for str heroes: 22.5) 0.55% HP Regen (+25% for str heroes: 0.68%) +0.08% Magic Resistance (+25% for str heroes: 0.1%)
Old Intelligence:
12 Mana 2% Mana Regen 0.07% Spell Amplication +0.15% Magic Resistance
New Intelligence:
12 Mana (+25% for int heroes: 15) 1.8% Mana Regen (+25% for int heroes: 2.25) 0.07% Spell Amplication (+25% for int heroes: 0.087%)
Old Agility:
0.17 Armor 1 Attack Speed 0.06% Movement Speed
New Agility:
0.16 Armor (+25% for agi heroes: 0.2) 1 Attack Speed (+25% for agi: 1.25) 0.05% Movement Speed (+25% for agi: 0.062%)
Captains Mode
- Enabled Techies in Captains Mode
- First creep wave no longer draws aggro on the side lanes until they meet the other wave
- Skull Basher: Now uses Mithril Hammer instead of Javelin. Gives +25 Damage and +10 Strength.
- Skull Basher: Bash no longer pierces evasion
- Abyssal Blade: Now grants +25 Damage
- Abyssal Blade: Bash no longer pierces evasion
- Monkey King Bar: Now uses Demon Edge, Quarterstaff and Javelin. Gives +52 Damage and 10 Attack Speed.
- Monkey King Bar: Procs changed from 60 Pure damage to 100 Magical damage
- Maelstrom: Now uses Javelin instead of Gloves and Recipe.
- Maelstrom: No longer gives +25 Attack Speed
- Maelstrom: Chain Lightning damage increased from 120 to 170
- Maelstrom: Procs can no longer be evaded
- Mjollnir: Procs can no longer be evaded
- Mjollnir: Chain Lightning damage increased from 150 to 170
- Mjollnir: Attack speed reduced from 80 to 75
- Battle Fury: Now requires a 300 gold recipe
- Blink Dagger: Cooldown increased from 14 to 15
- Boots of Travel: Building prioritization range increased from 700 to 900
- Dagon: Manacost rescaled from 180 to 120/140/160/180/200
- Force Staff: Now requires a Ring of Regeneration instead of a Ring of Health (total price is still the same)
- Force Staff: Manacost increased from 25 to 100
- Force Staff: Health regen reduced from 5 to 2
- Hurricane Pike: Health regen reduced from 5.5 to 2
- Hurricane Pike: Manacost increased from 25 to 100
- Helm of the Dominator: Health regen decreased from 8 to 7
- Helm of the Dominator: No longer grants +5 attack speed to the item holder
- Helm of the Dominator: Bounty increased from 125 to 200
- Linken's Sphere: All Stats reduced from 15 to 13
- Magic Wand: Now requires a 150 gold recipe instead of a Mango
- Magic Wand: Now provides +3 All Stats instead of +2 All Stats and 1.5 HP Regen
- Magic Wand: Max Charges increased from 17 to 20
- Enchanted Mango: On sale now from 100 to 70
- Enchanted Mango: Health regen decreased from 1 to 0.7
- Enchanted Mango: Consumed Mana restore reduced from 175 to 125
- Enchanted Mango: Daily Bonus Hero now gives 2 Mangoes
- Necronomicon: Duration increased from 50 to 60
- Phase Boots: During Phase your base turn rate is improved to 1.0 (the highest value, can still be lowered by other effects)
- Phase Boots: Active duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds
- Phase Boots: Active speed reduced from 24/20% to 20/16%
- Observer Ward: Gold/XP Bounty rescaled from a constant 100 Gold and 100 XP to growing over time with 100 + 2/min Gold and 50 + 4/min XP
- Sange: Recipe cost increased from 500 to 700
- Sange: Now grants Greater Maim
- Heaven's Halberd: Now grants Greater Maim
- Yasha: Recipe cost increased from 500 to 700
- Manta Style: Recipe cost lowered from 900 to 500
- Alchemist: Chemical Rage Health regen increased from 40/48/56 to 40/55/70
- Alchemist: Bounty Runes bonus gold increased from 2.5 to 3x
- Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch damage rescaled from 30/45/60/75 to 20/40/60/80
- Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch no longer pierces Spell Immunity
- Arc Warden: Magnetic Field cooldown reduced from 35/30/25/20 to 20
- Arc Warden: Level 15 Talent changed from +3s Flux Duration to +400 Flux Cast Range
- Axe: Battle Hunger manacost rescaled from 75 to 50/60/70/80
- Axe: Base movement speed increased by 5
- Batrider: Base strength increased by 3
- Bloodseeker: Blood Rite ground vision now increased to match the AoE of the spell (from 400 to 600)
- Bloodseeker: Bloodrage cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 to 9/8/7/6
- Brewmaster: Primal Split Fire Permanent Immolation damage increased from 15/30/45 to 20/40/60
- Broodmother: Spiderite bounty reduced from 16-21 gold and 20 exp to 3 gold and 3 xp
- Broodmother: Spiderling bounty reduced from 11-13 gold and 31 exp to 9 gold and 9 xp
- Broodmother: Spiderite armor reduced from 8 to 0
- Broodmother: Spiderling armor reduced from 8 to 0
- Broodmother: Spiderling damage reduced from 18-19 to 14-16 (~19% less)
- Broodmother: Spawn Spiderling manacost reduced from 120 to 100
- Broodmother: Spawn Spiderling cooldown reduced from 10 to 11/10/9/8
- Chen: Hand of God heal improved from 250/375/500 to 250/400/550
- Crystal Maiden: Base armor increased by 1
- Crystal Maiden: Freezing Field attack speed slow increased from 30 to 60
- Dark Seer: Wall of Replica illusions incoming damage reduced from 300% to 200%
- Dark Seer: Wall of Replica illusions outgoing damage increased from 60/75/90% to 70/85/100%
- Dark Seer: Wall of Replica now auto attacks the hero it made the illusion of (can still be controlled)
- Dark Willow: Bedlam damage reduced from 60/140/220 to 60/120/180
- Dark Willow: Bedlam rotation duration increased from 1.5 to 1.8 seconds
- Dark Willow: Cursed Crown no longer grants vision after it stuns
- Dark Willow: Level 25 Talent increased from +1 Terrorize Duration to +1.5
- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch effective area covered not scaling properly with cast range bonuses
- Death Prophet: Base Health regen reduced from 2 to 1.5
- Earthshaker: Base damage increased by 3
- Ember Spirit: Flame Guard magical damage absorbed rescaled from 50/200/350/500 to 80/220/360/500
- Ember Spirit: Searing Chains duration rescaled from 1/2/2/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
- Ember Spirit: Searing Chains now does damage in 0.5 second intervals
- Ember Spirit: Searing Chains total damage rescaled from 80/120/240/300 to 90/160/230/300
- Enigma: Malefice stun duration rescaled from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0
- Enigma: Malefice cooldown rescaled from 15 to 18/17/16/15
- Enigma: Malefice manacost reduced from 110/130/150/160 to 100/120/140/160
- Faceless Void: Chronosphere cooldown increased from 140/125/110 to 140/130/120
- Invoker: Invoke manacost reduced from 60 to 40
- Io: Tether can now target Spell Immune allies
- Io: Tether cast point changed from 0.001 to 0
- Io: Tether no longer applies slow on impact
- Io: Spirits now apply a 20/40/60/80% movement speed slow on impact for 0.3 seconds
- Io: Spirits now have two fixed positions they go to, 700 and 100 (No longer granular with toggles, but just a single press action)
- Io: Spirits In/Out is just one ability now, alternates the direction (has a 1.5 second cooldown, same hotkey as spirits ability. Base cooldown/duration is still the same)
- Io: Spirits creep damage increased from 8/14/20/26 to 10/18/26/34
- Io: Spirits manacost from 150 to 120/130/140/150
- Io: Spirits collision AoE increased from 70 to 110
- Io: Spirits explosion damage AoE increased from 300 to 360
- Io: Level 10 Talent changed from +400 Spirits Max Range to +25% XP
- Io: Level 25 Talent changed from Tether Stuns to -60s Relocate Cooldown
- Leshrac: Lightning Storm manacost increased from 75/90/105/120 to 80/100/120/140
- Lich: Level 20 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +180
- Lycan: Summon Wolves health increased from 200/240/280/320 to 230/260/290/320
- Lycan: Summon Wolves damage increased from 17/28/37/46 to 26/34/42/50
- Mirana: Leap speed buff duration increased from 2 to 2.5
- Mirana: Leap attack speed rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 40/60/80/100
- Mirana: Moonlight Shadow now grants 15% movement speed bonus while invisible
- Monkey King: Primal Spring manacost reduced from 130/120/110/100 to 100
- Morphling: Adaptive Strike Talent now has a 300 cast range buffer for the secondary targets
- Morphling: Level 10 Talent from +300 Waveform Range to +350
- Morphling: Level 25 Talent from +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike to +3
- Necrophos: Reaper's Scythe respawn time penalty increased from 10/20/30 to 15/30/45
- Omniknight: Purification cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
- Omniknight: Base armor reduced by 1
- Outworld Devourer: Fixed Arcane Orb not using mana if it misses on the target
- Outworld Devourer: Arcane Orb manacost increased from 100/120/140/160 to 110/140/170/200
- Ogre Magi: Bloodlust on self now grants you 30/50/70/90 Attack Speed (default is 30/40/50/60)
- Pangolier: Rolling Thunder no longer gets canceled when rooted or disabled (rolls in place instead)
- Pangolier: Rolling Thunder cooldown increased from 70/65/60 to 70
- Pangolier: Swashbuckle manacost increased from 70/80/90/100 to 80/90/100/110
- Pangolier: Shield Crash cooldown increased from 13 to 19/17/15/13
- Pangolier: Fixed Shield Crash counting Spell Immune heroes
- Pangolier: Level 10 Talent reduced from +2 Mana Regen to +1.5
- Pudge: Base damage increased by 7
- Pudge: Rot slow reduced from 17/22/27/32 to 11/18/25/32
- Pugna: Base armor increased by 1
- Pugna: Level 15 Talent increased from +2 Nether Ward Health to +3
- Puck: Level 20 Talent from -5s Waning Rift Cooldown to -8s
- Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave damage increased from 290/380/470 to 320/410/500
- Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave Scepter damage increased from 325/440/555 to 370/480/590
- Riki: Tricks of the Trade now attacks at a slower pace, nerfed from 0.5/0.45/0.4 to 0.6/0.55/0.5
- Rubick: Telekinesis lift duration rescaled from 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 to 1.1/1.5/1.9/2.3
- Sand King: Caustic Finale no longer triggers when a unit is denied
- Shadow Demon: Strength growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4
- Shadow Fiend: Level 10 Talent reduced from 10% Spell Amplification to 8%
- Shadow Fiend: Level 15 Talent reduced from +40 Movement Speed to +35
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Ether Shock effective area covered not scaling properly with cast range bonuses
- Silencer: Glaives of Wisdom from 15/30/45/60% to 25/40/55/70%
- Silencer: Global Silence duration increased from 4/5/6 to 4.5/5.25/6
- Silencer: Level 15 Talent increased from +90 Gold/Min to +120
- Slark: Base HP regen increased from 2.75 to 3.25
- Slark: Shadow Dance move speed bonus increased from 30/35/40% to 30/40/50%
- Spectre: Spectral Dagger manacost rescaled from 130/140/150/160 to 100/120/140/160
- Spectre: Haunt illusion damage increased from 40 to 40/50/60%
- Spirit Breaker: Greater Bash movespeed bonus increased from 15% to 17%
- Spirit Breaker: Netherstrike's knockback now pushes the enemy twice the distance
- Storm Spirit: Level 15 Talent increased from +300 Health to +400
- Sven: Cleave distance increased from 570 to 625 (same as Battle Fury)
- Sven: Cleave end radius increased from 300 to 330 (same as Battle Fury)
- Terrorblade: Base HP regen reduced from 3 to 1.5
- Terrorblade: Reflection illusion now disappears when the reflection slow debuff is removed
- Terrorblade: Sunder minimum HP rescaled from 25% to 35/30/25%
- Terrorblade: Sunder cast range reduced from 550 to 475
- Timbersaw: Whirling Death attribute reduction now considers bonus attributes (instead of only base)
- Timbersaw: Whirling Death attribute reduction lowered from 15% to 13%
- Tiny: Tree Grab area damage reduced from 100% to 30/40/50/60%
- Treant Protector: Leech Seed duration increased from 4.5 to 5.25 (1 extra pulse)
- Tusk: Ice Shards duration reduced from 7 to 4/5/6/7
- Tusk: Snowball Speed reduced from 675 to 600/625/650/675
- Tusk: Frozen Sigil no longer provides flying vision (ground only now)
- Underlord: Firestorm overtime percentage based damage no longer affects Roshan/Ancients
- Underlord: Dark Rift manacost from 75/150/225 to 100/200/300
- Undying: Tombstone spawn interval improved from 4.5/4/3.5/3 to 4/3.5/3/2.5
- Undying: Level 15 Talent increased from +30 Decay Duration to +50
- Undying: Level 20 Talent increased from +4 Tombestone Attacks to +6
- Ursa: Base armor increased by 2
- Venomancer: Poison Nova duration increased from 16 to 18 seconds
- V isage: Grave Chill duration reduced from 3.25/4 .5/5.75/7 to 3/4/5/6
- Warlock: Chaotic Offering Golem health increased from 1000/1500/2000 to 1000/2000/3000
- Warlock: Chaotic Offering Golem Permnaent Immolation DPS increased from 30/40/50 to 30/50/70
- Weaver: Health regen increased from 1.5 to 2.5
- Weaver: The Swarm attack damage from 14/16/18/20 to 18/20/22/24
- Wi ndranger: Powershot damage increased from 180/260/340/420 to 180/270/360/450
- Windranger: Focus Fire attack speed increased from 350 to 400
- Windranger: Focus Fire now always fires on the target unless you are attacking another target, or pressed stop and are not moving.
- Winter Wyvern: Winter's Curse duration increased from 3.25/4/4.75 to 4/4.75/5.5 seconds
- Winter Wyvern: Winter's Curse attack speed bonus reduced from 85 to 55
- Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast manacost rescaled from 140 to 95/110/125/140
- Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast cooldown rescaled from 8 to 11/10/9/8
- Wraith King: Level 10 Talent changed from +40 Wraithfire DPS to +1.5s Wraithfire Blast Slow Duration
- Witch Doctor: Maledict cooldown increased from 20 to 50/40/30/20
- Zeus: Level 15 Talent increased from +1% Static Field to +1.5%
- Added localization for the 7.14 patchnotes.
- Updated Io's Relics and challenges to reflect the current patch: Tether Slows -> Spirit Slows
Patch Overview
- Added Recipe: Magic Wand to the Starting Items shop.
- The first wave of sidelane creeps are now immune to Beserker's Call until the waves meet.
- Fixed Disarm effects rooting Windrunner.
String Updates
- Fixed a typo in Undying's Tombstone talent.
- Fixed the additional information missing from Io's ingame patchnotes.
- Lesser Maim and Greater Maim have been renamed to Maim.
- Fixed Recipe: Magic Wand not having a localized english string.
دو عدد DLC جدید چند ساعت پیش به دوتا 2 اضافه شدند. مشابه این اتفاق پارسال دقیقا قبل از عرضه Battle Pass TI7 اتفاق افتاده بود!
#خبری_در_راه_است :-?
فردا (۱۹ اردیبهشت ۹۷) Compendium TI8 عرضه خواهد شد...
!Brace For Impact
2 تا آپدیت داشتیم که یکی شامل پچ 7.15 میشد و دیگری جهت بهینه سازی. جزئیات به شرح زیر است:
Dota 2 Gameplay Patch 7.15
- Bounty Runes now spawn every 5 minutes
- Bounty Runes now grants gold to each player (40 + 3/min)
- Bounty Runes now fully fills bottles
- Bottles heal rate increased from 80/40 HP/MP to 100/50
- Melee Creeps base gold bounty reduced by 2
- Range Creeps base gold bounty reduced by 1
- Range Creeps gold bounty increase per upgrade changed from 1 to 3 (With these changes, the total gold difference on the map at 40 minutes is 2052 less gold)
- Melee Barracks team bounty reduced from 225 to 175
- Ground Courier bounty reduced from 175 to 125 (Flying Courier is still 175)
- Tower denies now remove all gold instead of just half (previously it gave 50/60/70/80 for tier 1/2/3/4 denies)
- Agility heroes base strength increased by 1
- Intelligence heroes base intelligence reduced by 2, except for bane (base damage adjusted to remain the same)
- Neutral camp stack bounty increased from 20% to 25%
- Ancient HP regen increased from 8 to 12
- Observer Wards restock cooldown reduced from 150 to 135
- Observer Wards cost reduced from 80 to 75
- Enchanted Mango HP regen reduced from 0.7 to 0.6
- Roshan Slam damage growth increased from 8 per minute to 10
- Roshan base damage increased from 65 to 75
- Roshan base health increased from 5500 to 6000
- Removed a tree to the bottom right of the dire mid lane, near the map ledge
- Minor adjustments to the position of the powerup runes
- Reduced spawn box sizes for a few of Dire neutral spawns
- Removed a tree to the right of the bottom Radiant bounty rune
- Moved the bottom Dire T1 tower slightly down
- Moved the bottom Dire bounty rune slightly to the right
- Moved the bottom Dire shrine location slightly down
- Moved the top Dire T1 slightly to the right
- Slight adjustments to the line of sight and trees to the left of the mid Dire T1
- Ranged creeps now always spawn behind the melee creeps
- Captains Mode round time increased from 30 to 35
- Captains Mode second ban phase order changed from 2nd/1st/2nd/1st to 1st/2nd/1st/2nd
Dota 2 Update Main Client
Dota Plus
- Pick up bounty runes challenge changed from 10/15/20 to 4/6/8
Battle Pass
- The prediction points per token has been changed from 20 to 40.
- Pro Circuit Prediction Winner points changed: 5 from 100 to 500, 25 from 500 to 3000, 50 from 1000 to 5000
Battle Pass
- The International 2018 - 5 Battle Pass Levels - Dota Plus has been added to the schema. | Basically just renamed so it can be identified as to where the points came from in the Battle Log
UI Updates
- Fixed the Captain's Mode ban and pick arrows not pointing the same direction as the changes from the 7.15 patch.
String Updates
- A ton of localization updates for new, old and engine related content across various languages.
Model Updates
- A new type of spore model has been added for The Emerald Abyss terrain.
- Minor shader updates to existing models in the The Emerald Abyss terrain.
- Minor texture tweaks to the newly added custom Creeps.
- The Gnoll neutral creep mesh has been improved.
Particle Updates
- Minor update to the Shackleshot particle.
از امروز (با اومدن پچ 7.15) هیروی Crystal Maiden نسب به Phantom Assassin که یکی ذاتا Int و دیگری Agi هست ولی این نکته که cm نسبت به pa از int کمتری برخوردار هست را شاهد هستیم :) OSfrog
این قضیه بونتی فقط ب نفع مید شده . ی ساپ یا جانگلر قبلا خیلی از برنامه هاش رو همین بونتی میچرخید .
ی سوال دوستان : راسته میگن دوتا 2 میخواد مث دوتا 1 بشه و بعد اینترنشنال دیگه آپدیت براش نیاد؟؟؟
Official Changelog
- Added a daily and weekly challenge to the Battle Pass.
Battle Pass
Two new achievements have been added.
- Complete 4/12/20 Weekly Challenges for 500/500/1000 Battle Points
- Complete 10/40/75 Daily Challenges for 500/500/1000 Battle Points
UI Updates
- Adjusted the Arcana Vote panel on the Battle Pass tab to make space for the Daily and Weekly Challenges tab.
String Updates
- The "New Terrain" tag on the front page panel is now not hard coded in English but changed to a string to support localization.
size: 105.1 MB
برای اون دسته از افرادی که هنوز متعجب هستند که، چرا پنجشنبه گذشت و پچ جدید نیامد؟! باید بگم که در Valve اخیرا گفتند که قبل و یا در حین اجرای یک Major پچ نخواهند داد.
پس با این احتساب باید تا روز یکشنبه که ESL Birmingham تمام میشود یا فردای آن یعنی دوشنبه هفته آتی صبر کرد.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Bonus movement speed reduced from +40 to +30
- Moon Shard: Night vision increased from 300/150 (base/consumed) to 400/200
- Refresher: Recipe cost reduced from 1800 to 1700
- Talisman of Evasion: Evasion reduced from 20% to 15%
- Talisman of Evasion: Cost reduced from 1450 to 1400
- Solar Crest: Base evasion reduced from 20% to 15% (active application is still 20%)
- Abaddon: Level 10 Talent increased from +20% XP to +25%
- Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +60 Mist Coil Heal/Damage to +75
- Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +8
- Alchemist: Chemical Rage now applies a basic dispel on cast
Ancient Apparition
- Ancient Apparition: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 Gold/Min to +90
- Anti-Mage: Base damage increased by 2
- Bane: Base damage reduced by 2
- Bane: Brain Sap manacost increased from 70/100/130/160 to 90/115/140/165
- Beastmaster: Base armor reduced by 2
- Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Goo now has a -2 base armor reduction
- Clinkz: Base armor increased by 1
- Clinkz: Strafe dodge now works against non-player units
- Clinkz: Strafe attack speed increased from 80/140/200/260 to 110/160/210/260
- Clockwerk: Base damage reduced by 4
Crystal Maiden
- Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8
- Crystal Maiden: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150
Dark Willow
- Dark Willow: Bramble Maze cooldown reduced from 40/35/30/25 to 34/31/28/25
- Dark Willow: Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Damage to +30
Death Prophet
- Death Prophet: Exorcism spirit spawn interval increased from 0.3 to 0.35
- Disruptor: Thunder Strike cooldown increased from 15/13/11/9 to 18/15/12/9
- Earthshaker: Echo Slam now has 100 Initial Damage
- Enchantress: Nature's Attendants cooldown reduced from 45 to 35
- Enchantress: Enchant slow rescaled from 3/4/5/6 to 3.75/4.5/5.25/6
- Enigma: Demonic Conversion manacost reduced from 170 to 140/150/160/170
- Enigma: Demonic Conversion Eidolon HP regen increased from 0.25 to 4
- Gyrocopter: Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Flak Cannon Attacks to +0.5s Homing Missile Stun Duration
- Gyrocopter: Level 20 Talent reduced from +45 Movement Speed to +40
- Huskar: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Inner Vitality Cooldown to Burning Spears Pure and Pierces Immunity
- Huskar: Level 25 Talent increased from +125 Attack Range to +150
- Invoker: Catacylsm max spread distance reduced from 220 to 200
- Io: Spirits damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/40/60/80
- Io: Tether movement speed reduced from 7/10/13/16 to 5/8/11/14%
- Io: Level 10 Talent reduced from +60 Damage to +45
- Io: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20 Health Regen to +15
- Juggernaut: Base armor increased by 1
Keeper of the Light
- Keeper of the Light: Chakra Magic no longer has a 25/35/45/55 manacost
- Leshrac: Lightning Storm cast range reduced from 650/700/750/800 to 650
- Lich: Frost Blast attack slow increased from -20 to -30
- Lich: Frost Blast cooldown reduced from 8 to 7
- Lich: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200
- Lycan: Feral Impulse damage reduced from 15/26/37/48% to 12/24/36/48%
- Magnus: Base strength increased by 1
- Magnus: Skewer slow increased from 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 to 3.25
- Magnus: Shockwave damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300
- Meepo: Base armor increased by 2
- Mirana: Level 25 Talent reduced from -80s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown to -75s
Naga Siren
- Naga Siren: Song of the Siren manacost increased from 100/150/200 to 150/175/200
- Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +16% Ghost Shroud Slow to +20%
- Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown to -2.5s
- Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from +0.6 heartstopper Aura to +0.8
Night Stalker
- Night Stalker: Crippling Fear cooldown increased from 12 to 24/20/16/12
- Night Stalker: Void cooldown increased from 8 to 11/10/9/8
- Oracle: Fortune's End is no longer disjointable
- Oracle: Level 15 Talent increased from +90 Gold/Min to +120
- Pangolier: Fixed Rolling Thunder having no effect on units like Primal Split Brewlings and Ancients neutrals (still doesn't affect roshan)
Phantom Assassin
- Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger slow rescaled from 1/2/3/4 seconds to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
- Phantom Assassin: Level 20 Talent improved from Double Strike Stifling Dagger to Triple Strike Stifling Dagger
- Phoenix: Supernova stun duration from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/2.5/3.0
- Puck: Waning Rift silence duration increased from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
- Pudge: Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +30% XP
- Pudge: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Damage to +12% Rot Slow
- Riki: Base armor increased by 1
- Riki: Base damage increased by 4
Sand King
- Sand King: Base damage reduced by 3
- Sand King: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 21/24/27/30% to 15/20/25/30%
Shadow Shaman
- Shadow Shaman: Base intelligence increased by 2
- Shadow Shaman: Hex manacost reduced from 110/140/170/200 to 70/110/150/190
- Shadow Shaman: Level 15 Talent increased from -4s Hex Cooldown to -5s
- Shadow Shaman: Level 25 Talent reduced from +60 Wards Attack Damage to +50
- Silencer: Arcane Curse penalty duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
- Sniper: Assassinate cast range increased from 2000/2500/3000 to 3000
- Sniper: Level 10 Talent changed from +15% Cooldown Reduction to +25%
- Spectre: Level 15 Talent increased from -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown to -10s
Spirit Breaker
- Spirit Breaker: Greater Bash disable duration increased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8
- Spirit Breaker: Nether Strike damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 150/200/250
- Spirit Breaker: Level 10 Talent increased from +400 Night Vision to +600
- Sven: Storm Hammer Manacost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140
- Terrorblade: Agility gain increased from 3.2 to 3.7
- Tiny: Base movement speed increased from 280 to 285
- Tiny: Tree Throw splash damage increased from 130% to 150%
- Tiny: Grow Status Resistance increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%
- Ursa: Overpower duration increased from 15 to 20
- Ursa: Level 20 Talent changed from +1s Enrage Duration to +1.5s
Winter Wyvern
- Winter Wyvern: Base Intelligence increased by 2
Wraith King
- Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeletons now have 30% Magic Resistance
- Wraith King: Level 15 Talent increased from +25 Skeletons Attack Damage to +35
- Zeus: Lightning Bolt manacost increased from 75/95/115/135 to 90/105/120/135
حجم آپدیت: ۱۵۳.۳ مگابایت
- Aeon Disk: Cooldown increased from 90 to 115
- Echo Sabre: Strength bonus increased from 10 to 12
- Echo Sabre: Damage bonus reduced from 15 to 12
- Echo Sabre: Slow duration increased from 0.7 to 0.8
- Hand of Midas: Cooldown reduced from 95 to 90
- Orb of Venom: Damage per second reduced from 5 to 3 on ranged heroes
- Maelstrom: Chain Lightning damage reduced from 170 to 160
- Abaddon: Base movement speed increased from 305 to 310
- Alchemist: Greevil's Greed Gold Bonus Cap increased from 16/20/24/28 to 20/24/28/32
- Alchemist: Greevil's Greed Stack Duration increased from 30 to 40
Ancient Apparition
- Ancient Apparition: Ice Blast duration increased from 8/9/10 to 9/10/11
- Bane: Fiend's Grip cooldown increased from 100 to 120/110/100
- Beastmaster: Wild Axes manacost increased from 80 to 80/85/90/95
- Beastmaster: Primal Roar cooldown increased from 80/75/70 to 90/80/70
- Beastmaster: Level 10 Talent reduced from +25 Movement Speed to +20
- Beastmaster: Level 15 Talent reduced from +7 Armor to +6
- Beastmaster: Level 20 Talent reduced from +100 Wild Axes Damage to +80
- Bloodseeker: Level 10 Talent reduced from +8 Armor to +6
- Bloodseeker: Level 15 Talent reduced from +300 Health to +275
Centaur Warrunner
- Centaur Warrunner: Base strength increased by 2
- Chen: Holy Persuasion cast range reduced from 900 to 600
- Chen: Holy Persuasion send back delay rescaled from 6/5/4/3 to 6
- Chen: Holy Persuasion cooldown increased from 10 to 32/24/18/10
- Clinkz: Strafe cooldown reduced from 45/35/25/15 to 30/25/20/15
- Clinkz: Strafe manacost reduced from 90 to 75/80/85/90
- Clockwerk: Power Cogs burn/damage reduced from 80/120/160/200 to 50/100/150/200
Crystal Maiden
- Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 130/170/210/260
- Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regen increased from 1.6/2.4/3.2/4 to 1.8/2.6/3.4/4.2
Dark Willow
- Dark Willow: Bramble Maze total damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 140/180/220/260
- Dark Willow: Cursed Crown manacost reduced from 100/120/140/160 to 80/100/120/140
- Dazzle: Base damage spread reduced from 41-59 to 47-53
- Dazzle: Poison Touch damage rescaled from 10/24/38/52 to 16/28/40/52
Death Prophet
- Death Prophet: Base armor reduced by 1
- Doom: Base movement speed reduced from 285 to 280
Dragon Knight
- Dragon Knight: Level 15 Talent reduced from +35 Damage to +30
- Earthshaker: Base HP regen increased from 2 to 2.5
- Earthshaker: Base movement speed increased from 305 to 310
- Earthshaker: Enchant Totem Scepter cast range increased from 900 to 1100
- Earthshaker: Echo Slam Echo damage increased from 60/85/110 to 70/90/110
- Earthshaker: Echo Slam waves are no longer disjointable
Earth Spirit
- Earth Spirit: Strength gain increased from 3.2 to 3.5
Ember Spirit
- Ember Spirit: Fire Remnant charge restore time increased from 35 to 38
- Enchantress: Attack range increased from 550 to 575
- Enchantress: Untouchable attack slow increased from -20/60/100/140 to -20/70/120/170
- Enchantress: Impetus damage increased from 14/18/22% to 16/20/24%
- Enigma: Midnight Pulse damage increased from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25% to 3.75/4.25/4.75/5.25%
- Enigma: Midnight Pulse duration rescaled from 11 to 9/10/11/12
- Enigma: Midnight Pulse cooldown rescaled from 35 to 50/45/40/35
- Enigma: Midnight Pulse manacost rescaled from 95/110/125/140 to 75/95/115/135
- Enigma: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150
- Enigma: Level 20 Talent increased from +400 Health to +500 Health
- Enigma: Level 25 Talent increased from +4 Malefice Instance to +5
- Invoker: Level 10 Talent increased from +0.5s Tornado Lift Time to +1.25s
- Invoker: Level 15 Talent changed from +2.5s Cold Snap Duration to -12s Cold Snap Cooldown
- Io: Relocate now has channel time instead of a cast delay
Legion Commander
- Legion Commander: Duel bonus damage increased from 10/14/18 to 10/18/26
- Leshrac: Split Earth cast range reduced from 750 to 650
- Lich: Sacrifice 25 manacost removed
- Lich: Ice Armor increased from 3/5/7/9 to 4/6/8/10
- Lich: Chain Frost cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
- Lycan: Base armor reduced by 2
- Lycan: Base damage reduced by 3
- Meepo: Base armor increased by 2
- Mirana: Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15
- Mirana: Level 25 Talent reduced from -75s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown to -70s
- Morphling: Waveform cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
Naga Siren
- Naga Siren: Rip Tide damage reduced from 120/160/200/240 to 80/130/180/230
- Naga Siren: Ensnare cooldown increased from 12 to 14
Nature's Prophet
- Nature's Prophet: Agility gain increased from 1.9 to 2.4
- Necrophos: Death Pulse damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220
- Necrophos: Death Pulse unit kill regen duration increased from 6 to 7
Night Stalker
- Night Stalker: Void now deals half damage during day
- Night Stalker: Base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
Nyx Assassin
- Nyx Assassin: Vendetta manacost decreased from 160/210/260 to 140/200/260
- Oracle: Intelligence growth increased from 3.2 to 3.5
Phantom Lancer
- Phantom Lancer: Base strength reduced by 3
- Pudge: Meat Hook cast range increased from 1000/1100/1200/1300 to 1300
- Pudge: Flesh Heap magic resistance increased from 6/8/10/12% to 8/10/12/14%
- Riki: Base damage increased by 3
- Riki: Blink Strike damage rescaled from 55/70/85/100 to 100
- Riki: Blink Strike cast range rescaled from 800 to 500/600/700/800
- Riki: Smoke Screen AoE increased from 250/275/300/325 to 325
- Riki: Smoke Screen cooldown increased from 11 to 17/15/13/11
Sand King
- Sand King: Burrowstrike cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
Shadow Shaman
- Shadow Shaman: Mass Serpent Ward damage increased from 40/70/100 to 50/75/100
Skywrath Mage
- Skywrath Mage: Arcane Bolt manacost increased from 70 to 90
- Slark: Level 10 Talent reduced from +10 Agility to +8
- Sniper: Headshot physical damage no longer ignores Spell Immmune units
- Sniper: Headshot damage increased from 15/40/65/90 to 20/50/80/110
- Sven: Great Cleave damage increased from 30/42/54/66 to 40/50/60/70
Templar Assassin
- Templar Assassin: Psionic Traps bounty increased from 1 to 25
- Terrorblade: Agility gain increased from 3.7 to 4.2
- Tidehunter: Gush armor reduction increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7
- Tidehunter: Ravage duration increased from 2/2.4/2.8 to 2.4/2.6/2.8
- Tidehunter: Level 20 Talent increased from -4 Gush Armor to -5
- Tidehunter: Level 20 Talent increased from +24 Kraken Shell Damage Block to +30
- Timbersaw: Whirling Death stat loss percentage increased from 13% to 15%
- Tiny: Strength growth increased from 3.3 to 3.6
- Tiny: Tree Grab unit attack damage bonus increased from 10/20/30/40% to 25/30/35/40%
- Tiny: Tree Grab building attack damage rescaled from 90/120/150/180% to 80/120/160/200%
- Tiny: Toss damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300
- Ursa: Overpower attack count increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7
- Ursa: Level 20 Talent increased from +12 Fury Swipes Damage to +16
Vengeful Spirit
- Vengeful Spirit: Wave of Terror damage rescaled from 45/70/95/120 to 60/80/100/120
- Vengeful Spirit: Magic Missile stun duration rescaled from 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 to 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8
- Warlock: Shadow Word manacost increased from 90/110/130/150 to 120/130/140/150
- Warlock: Shadow Word cast range reduced from 525/600/675/750 to 450/550/650/750
- Weaver: Agility gain increased from 2.8 to 3.1
- Weaver: Shukuchi damage increased from 80/110/140/170 to 100/125/150/175
- Windranger: Intelligence reduced by 2
- Windranger: Powershot reduced from 180/270/360/450 to 150/250/350/450
Witch Doctor
- Witch Doctor: Voodoo Restoration activation cost increased from 20/30/40/50 to 35/40/45/50
Wraith King
- Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeletons magic resistance increased from 30% to 50%
- Wraith King: Vampiric Aura increased from 15/20/25/30% to 18/22/26/30%
حجم آپدیت: ۵۲.۹ مگابایت
- Buyback respawn time penalty changed from +25% of remaining time to +25s always
- Level 2 XP requirement changed from 200 to 230 (in a scenario where Team A gets 2 melee denies per wave, and team B gets 1 melee deny per wave: Team A wave requirement for level 2 increases from 2 waves to 3 waves. Team B wave requirement remains at 3 waves. Total XP needed for other levels unchanged. )
- Glyph is now on cooldown until the 3 minute timer in-game
Item Updates
- Stout Shield: Damage block for melee heroes increased from 18 to 20
- Ring of Aquila: Bonus damage reduced from 10 to 7
- Mekansm: Heal increased from 250 to 275
- Guardian Greaves: Heal increased from 250 to 275
- Urn of Shadows: Heal rate reduced from 35 to 30
- Spirit Vessel: Heal rate reduced from 35 to 30
- Spirit Vessel: Movement speed bonus reduced from 30 to 20
- Scythe of Vyse: Manacost increased from 100 to 250
- Phase Boots: Speed bonus on ranged heroes reduced from 16% to 13%
- Phase Boots: Instant turn rate is now a melee only feature
Hero Updates
- Alchemist: Greevil's Greed bounty rune multiplier rescaled from 3.5x to 2/2.5/3/3.5x
- Bloodseeker: Bloodrage heal rate reduced from 19/21/23/25% to 16/19/22/25%
- Broodmother: Base agility reduced by 3
- Chen: Penitence duration reduced from 8 to 5/6/7/8
- Clinkz: Base strength reduced by 2
- Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova manacost increased from 130/140/150/160 to 130/145/160/175
- Dark Willow: Shadow Realm damage reduced from 120/200/280/360 to 90/180/270/360
- Dark Willow: Cursed Crown cast point increased from 0.1 to 0.2
- Drow Ranger: Base agility reduced from 26 to 19 (base damage unchanged)
- Drow Ranger: Agility gain increased from 1.9 to 2.2
- Drow Ranger: Base attack animation time improved from 0.7 to 0.65
- Enchantress: Base movement speed reduced by 15
- Gyrocopter: Base agility reduced by 5 (base damage and armor unchanged)
- Huskar: Base damage reduced from 42-51 to 40-45
- Huskar: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +225
- Io: Spirits cooldown from 20/18/16/14 to 26/22/18/14
- Io: Level 10 Talent reduced from +25% XP to +20%
- Mirana: Level 15 Talent reduced from +100 Leap Attack Speed to +80
- Nature's Prophet: Base damage reduced by 3
- Necrophos: Agility rescaled from 15 + 1.2 to 12 + 1.3
- Necrophos: Base movement speed reduced by 5
- Phantom Lancer: Level 25 Talent reduced from -7s Doppelganger CD to -6s
- Silencer: Arcane Curse manacost increased from 75/95/115/135 to 105/115/125/135
- Spectre: Spectral Dagger linger duration reduced from 2 to 1
- Spectre: Dispersion max reflection range reduced from 1000 to 700
- Spectre: Desolate single hero range check increased from 325 to 375
- Tiny: Tree Grab manacost increased from 20/30/40/50 to 50
- Tiny: Avalanche cooldown increased from 20/19/18/17 to 23/21/19/17
- Ursa: Overpower manacost increased from 45/55/65/75 to 75
- Vengeful Spirit: Wave of Terror cooldown increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10
- Weaver: The Swarm manacost increased from 70/80/90/100 to 110
- Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast cooldown increased from 11/10/9/8 to 14/12/10/8
UI UpdatesFrontpage
- Slightly tweaked the Grimstroke model placement in the front page panel.
- Added notification for the new patch.
Update 2
- Fixed a typo in the changelog in the first patch.
Update 3
- Fixed an incorrect change made to Drow Ranger.
حجم نهایی: ۱۴۸ مگابایت
تاریخ دقیق: ۱۱ شهریور ۹۷
هیرو هایی که توی ti پیک شد رو نرف کردن مسخره ها (الچمیست رو دوباره تر زدن توش )
یه سری تغییرات توی بای بک دادن که کامبک زدن رو سخت تر بکنن (فک کنم بخاطر og هستش:sm (90):)
فیز بوت هم دیگه به در زن ها افزایش سرعت چرخش نمیده ( فک کنم اینو بخاطر این نرف کردن که هیرو هایی مثل اسنایپر و ترکسس و انچنترس و.. وقتی فیز بوت یوز میکردن گرفتن اش اون سخت بود و سرعت چرخش شون هم بالا می رفت در نتیجه اسلو میکردن یخورده فرار و سریع برمیگشتن یه اتک میدادن و دوبراره فرار و یجورایی زجر اور و رو مخ شده بود مخصوصا انچنترس )
و باز هم io بیچاره نرف شد با این وضعیت نه لول اپ خوبی میشه و نه میتونه با استفاده از اسکیل دوم خودش فارم کنه و ایتم های هیلینگ هم نرف شدن پس باز هم به ضرر io شد و نمیدونم چرا عملا دارن pos4 رو از بین میبرن با نرف شدن اورن اف شدو باز هم pos4 ضعیف میشه
در آپدیت جدید که امروز انجام شد برخی از قابلیتهای Battle Pass به Dota Plus اضافه شدند.
به این صورت که شما از این به بعد در Dota Plus توانایی استفاده از Chat Wheel Sound, Tip و Ranked Roles را خواهید داشت.
اگر ۵ تا بازی Ranked Roles را ببرید ۵۰۰۰ شارد برنده خواهید شد. (لازم نیست بردها پشت سر هم باشد.)
و اگر در طول این آخر هفته (میشه شنبه و یکشنبه ما) Dota Plus خود را فعال کنید و ۴ بازی انجام بدهید میتوانید ۱۰ هزار شارد برنده شوید.
حجم آپدیت: ۲۸۳.۴ مگابایت
بروز رسانی دیشب بازی در یک تصویر
دو مورد اول که شامل "خـسـارت دریـافـتـی" و "زیـان مـرگ" میشود به جدول نتایج آخر بازی اضافه شدند.
بخش اول به دو قسمت "خسارت خام" و "کاسته شده" تقسیم میشود، همچنین بخش دوم نیز شامل "هزینه" و "زمان" مرگ میشود که از دست رفته است.
در حالت آخر نیز شما با Alt نشانه کردن یک مهارت ناموخته شده یا Ctrl+Alt کردن یک مهارت آموخته شده میتوانید به همتیمی های خود اعلام کنید که آمادگی فراگرفتن آن مهارت را دارید و یا چه زمانی قادر به انجام آن خواهید بود.
Frostivus بازخواهد گشت!
اواسط دی ماه امسال رویداد محبوب Frostivus به دوتا ۲ بازخواهد گشت.
یادش بخیر یه Golden Greevil بردم چقدر کیف کردم ::kappa::
اون زمان دادمش 4 key :sm (71):
فک کنم بعد از ti2 یا ti3 بود من خودمم بازی نکردم :(
ولی بعید میدونم مثل اون باشه فقط اسم event های زمستانیشونو میزارن frostivus. اون قبلیه کلی ایتم میداد فان هم بود
valve یه event با theme زمستون و برف میسازه یه custom game مسخره هم مثل underhollow میزنه زیر بغلمون میگه برید اینم frostivusتون
بی انصافی نکن به نظر من siltbreaker که با بتل پس پارسال بود(فک کنم) یک شاهکار بود اما این underhollow یه جورایی بعد از یه مدت خیلی کسل کننده میشه اما من هر چقدر siltbreaker رو پلی کردم خسته نشدم!
darkmoon هم خوب بود اما اونم مثل underhallow کسل کننده میشه بعد یه مدت چون مپش محدودو کوچیکه
siltbreaker کجا underhollow کجا
اون مثله یه کمپین با داستان قوی و کلی جایزه بود اینکی بیشتر شبیه به گدایی بود که هفته ای یه بار برای 1000 تا پوینت خودتو جر بدی که یارات هیرو اشتباه پیک نکنن
من یادمه هر جعبه ای که از Siltbreaker میگرفتم رو نیم تا 1 دلار تو مارکت فروختم بعد نزدیک به 20-30 تا هم میشد کل جعبه هایی که میشد برد حالا بماند بقیه جایزه هاش....
The Kuala Lumpur Major | Dota 2
وبسایت دوتا ۲ رسما اعلام کرد که پچ ۷.۲۰ در تاریخ دوشنبه ۹۷/۸/۲۸ یعنی دوهفته دیگر و یک روز پس از پایان KL Major عرضه خواهد شد.
هیروی جدید هم با این اپدیت میاد؟
پچ جدید اومده ولی هیچ خبری نیست اینجا:sm (154):
به نظر من بهترین هیروهای پچ اینان:jugg-troll-slark-slardar-brewmaster-magi-od-tusk-sk-huskar-chen-omni
اصن sk باگه هیچکی تو early game نمیتونه جلوش واسته
پانچ اسلارکم تقریبا نقش سایلنس رو داره:|
magi هم یه مایداس بیاره فول ایتم میاد بیرون
یه سری هیروها باید خیییییلی نرف شن انبالانسه/یه سری هم باید خیلیییییییی باف شن مثل drow-clinkz
در کل پچ جالبیه تونستم هضمو درکش کنم
کاری کردن یه سری اسپل های بی مصرف مورد فکوس برای لول اپ قرار بگیره
امنی نظرم مثب نیست براش چون خاصیت مجیک ایمونیتی اش رو برداشتن این کار برای بازی تا مین 20هم مفیده اما بعد از اون و برای لیت گیم زیاد جالب نیست بنظرم
ترول بنظرم نرف هم شده چطور بهترین هیروی پچه؟
اسلارک رو قبول دارم عجیب غریب باف اش کردن چه خبره اخه
تاسک عالی شده مخصوصا با هیرو هایی که یونیت دارن مثل نیچر و برودمادر و ..
مگی هم دیگه دستش درد نکنه فقط یه قابلیت اهدا اقانیم به یار رو بهش اضافه کنن عالیه D:
درورنجر رو کردن جانگلر ::pogchamp::
بنظرم اصلا پچ خوبی نبود و بیشتر و بیشتر داره به سبکی پیش میره که راحت باشه و نوب پسند
در کل باف ترین های این پچ بنظرم pa & ogre&bh&huskar&slark&sven
و نرف شده ها هم clinkz&dr&lich
Rubick Arcana Leaks
- Referred to as a "Mantle" and appears to use the BACK slot. (Speculation based on changes)
- Uses kill tracker gem.
- Has postgame UI support.
- Custom VO for all old lines.
Official Changelog
- Minor CPU performance improvements with certain types of art content
- Reworked the Global Item Loadout page to make shuffling items easier to work with.
- Fixed Last Hit Trainer bugs
- Various SFM improvements (material overrides, health bars, etc)
- Fountain damage now cancels effects similar to hero damage (e.g. salve, heart, blink), and now has 25% Accuracy.
Hero UpdatesRubick
- New attack animations listed at the following intervals; 200: fast, 350: faster.
- Back slot designated as the generating slot.
- Increased most slots' maximum polygon allowance by a minor amount.
Sound UpdatesRubick
- Remastered voicelines slightly.
- Added a metric ton of responses for Rubick.
Event UpdatesEvents
- Added Event Entry: Frostivus 2018
- Replaced the Nexon PC Bang scheme with "Perfect World Cyber Cafe".
Engine UpdatesParticles
- Linear Particle Generator now accepts a "Color gem color" parameter.
- New Unit Command: Show/Hide/Toggle Consumable Abilities. | Similar to actions such as Move, Use Ability, Scan, Taunt, Likely Frostivus mechanic
- An item slot can now be designated as the "Generating" slot.
Economy UpdatesInscribed Items
- Inscribed items now consider if the user is in turbo mode or not.
- Added Rubick arcana gem tracker.
UI UpdatesPostgame
- Added Rubick arcana progress tracker.
FantasyFantasy Teams
- Added new role: Mid.
Map UpdatesWinter
- Fixed a patch not being wintery.
- Fixed Cavernite creeps using the winter texture. | Portraits are still broken.
String UpdatesLocalization
- Added new language: Latin America Spanish
- Added new language: Vietnamese
- Fixed Bane's Enfeeble description saying "Effected" instead of "Affected".
- Fixed Wisp's talent description lacking the "'s" in Aghanim's Scepter.
- Fixed the Year Beast's Speed Aura path not having the correct spacing.
Game UpdatesSpells
- Moved some spell's valid targets out of hard code and into the data-driven file.
- Snowball: Added blank cast animation.
- Coal: Added blank cast animation.
- Campfire: HPS reduced from 5 to 0.
- Campfire: Added blank cast animation.
- Firework: Added blank cast animation.
Patch Overview
- Major backend updates to GC-to-GC communication.
- Major updates to the Tools.
- Major Source 2 engine updates.
- (Patch Size: 1.8 GB (with Tools
به به , عالی :دینقل قول:
Rubick Arcana Leaks
فایل پیوست 4696
Rubick Arcana & Frosthaven Event
Rubick Arcana
- A style progression system that features custom effects for 115 stolen abilities
- Custom dynamic color effects on the cape that change depending on stolen spells
- A complete set of all-new animations, including cast animations, death animations, run animations, unique stolen spell animations, and more
- New base model, texture, and custom animated pedestal
- New effect and sound for Spell Steal
- Support for dynamic color effects on the Crux of Perplex Immortal Item
- Custom ground effect for players who complete the style progression
- Remastered Voice
- Custom Hero Portrait, Minimap Icon, and Stolen Spell Icon Border Effect
- Custom Emoticon
- EXALTED item Quality on all purchases made before January 21, 2019
you can equip the arcana bundle lmao
Event Updates
- New Event: Frosthaven.
UI Updates
- Added promotional scene for Rubick Arcana.
- Added event panel for "The Frosthaven Update". Panels such as the 7.20 update panel have been removed.
- Disabled play buttons on previous event game modes.
- Added a variety of support panels for Rubick Arcana and Frosthaven.
- Repurposed the Spin Wheel for Frosthaven.
- Sweeping updates to the HUD to support Consumable Abilities.
- Added Rubick Arcana andd Frosthaven Progress Tracker.
- Frosted a bunch of spell icons for Frostivus.
- Added a Rubick Arcana progress panel.
Game Updates
Demo Mode
- Added the ability to spawn a custom enemy hero (instead of Axe).
Dota Plus
- Added a limited time store for Dota Plus.
Economy Updates
- Added Gingerbread Baby Roshan. | Indescribably Rare drop from Frosthaven.
- Updated exchange rates.
String Updates
- Updated the localisation files.
Frostivus 2018 Wheel Drop List
- Announcer: Dr. Kleiner
- Announcer: Juggernaut
- Announcer: Nature's Prophet
- Announcer: Storm Spirit
- Announcer: The Pirate Cap'n
- Announcer: Axe
- Announcer: Death Prophet
- Announcer: Bastion
- Announcer: Tuskar
- Announcer: Pyrion Flax
- Announcer: Defense Grid
- Announcer: GLaDOS
- Announcer: Trine
- Announcer: Lina
- Announcer: Clockwerk
- Announcer: The Stanley Parable
- Announcer: Techies
- Announcer: Rick and Morty
- Announcer: Bristleback
- Announcer: Fallout 4
- Mega-Kills: Juggernaut
- Mega-Kills: Nature's Prophet
- Mega-Kills: The Pirate Cap'n
- Mega-Kills: Bastion
- Mega-Kills: Axe
- Mega-Kills: Storm Spirit
- Mega-Kills: Pyrion Flax
- Mega-Kills: Defense Grid
- Mega-Kills: GLaDOS
- Mega-Kills: Trine
- Mega-Kills: Lina
- Mega-Kills: Clockwerk
- Mega-Kills: The Stanley Parable
- Mega-Kills: Techies
- Mega-Kills: Rick and Morty
- Mega-Kills: Fallout 4
Baby Roshan
- Gingerbread Baby Roshan
- Captain Bamboo
- Yonex's Rage
- Shagbark
- Nimble Ben
- Kupu the Metamorpher
- The Llama Llama
- Itsy
- Mok
- Blotto and Stick
- Tinkbot
- Alphid of Lecaciida
- Waldi the Faithful
- Arnabus the Fairy Rabbit
- Deathripper
- Coco the Courageous
- Tory the Sky Guardian
- Throe
- Cluckles the Brave
- Butch
- Ramnaught of Underwool
- Porcine Princess Penelope
- Prismatic Drake
- Forgotten Renegade
- Iron Hog
- Elder Convergence
- Boilerplate Bruiser
- Icebrew Angler
- Epoch of the Abysm
- War-Burrow Ravager
- Frostshard Ascendant
- Portent Payload
- Icewrack Marauder
- Stoutheart Growler
- Eye of the Weathered Storm
- Purveyor of the First Ways
- Winter's Warden
- Sign of the Netherfrost
- Bitterwing Legacy
- Seasoned Expeditionary
- Snowpack Savage
- Treasure of the Frosted Flame
- Treasure of the Rotted Gallows
- Treasure of the Forged Fury
- Treasure of the Mender's Palm
- Treasure of the Onyx Eye
- Treasure of the Tangled Keepsake
- Treasure of the Elemental Trophy
- Treasure of the Cannon's Fuse
- Treasure of the Trapper's Pelt
- Treasure of Molten Steel
- Treasure of the Ram's Renewal
- Treasure of the Spring Blossom
- Treasure of the Forgotten Myth
- Sculptor's Pillar 2015
- Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World
- Treasure of the Grimsneer's Stash
- Treasure of the Dreamer's Flame
- Treasure of the Cherished Hoard
- Treasure of the Autumn Flurry
- Treasure of the Glacial Abyss
- Treasure of the Autumn Flurry Perfect World
- Treasure of the Cherished Hoard Perfect World
- Treasure of the Distinguished Conqueror
- Treasure of the Southern Sojourn
- Treasure of the Crafter's Relic
- Treasure of the Burning Grove
- Treasure of the Seer's Eyeglass
- Treasure of the Tireless Crafter
- Patch Size: 635.8 MB
قرار بود امروز فصل جدید بازیهای رنک شروع بشه که تا به الان خبری نشده...
شایعه قریب به صحت هم هست که میگن با همین آپدیت یا بزودی هیروی جدید یعنی Mars هم به دوتا 2 اضافه خواهد شد!
احتمال داره این آپدیت هم مثل پچ 7.20 با یک روز تاخیر نسبت به موعد مقرر روانه بشه یا اینکه نهایتا تا امشب airش کنند...
در کل که آماده باشید ;)
مثل اینکه فصل جدید ranked بطور کلی در ماه ژانویه (ماه جاری میلادی) خواهد بود و تاریخ دقیقش مشخص نیست.
اینکه من گفتم "اولین روز ژانویه" اشتباه هست. عذرخواهی میکنم.