- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not upgrading on Elder Titan.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit waking up units that were hit by the Spirit Stomp.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit having the wrong radius while returning after it expired.
- Fixed Shadow Blade incorrectly revealing its owner on secondary attack types if they occurred after the fade time.
- The combat log is now localized.
- The Watch tab will now default to the Tournaments sub-tab if there is a live match.
- Added an automatic "(idle)" tag in Rich Presence for players that are AFK.
- Tournaments are now sorted by their last game played.
- Fixed a bug where notifications of item purchases didn't work if the courier did the purchase.
- Fixed bug where chat ban notifications weren't displaying hours left correctly.
- Reduced memory usage.
- Updated Nightstalker ultimate sound and made it global for teammates.
- Fixed Mana Leak target sound.
- Fixed Dust sound.
و یک خبر عالی اضافه شدن 2 quest هست که انگار تو یکیشو sniperبه مصاف axe میره ولی دومی فقط هست و نمیشه ازش استفاده کرد