Old Abilities
Raise DeadQD
Unknown icon.png
No Target Damage
Calls the Undying's fellow zombies out of the earth to fight. Once a zombie attacks six times, another one will rise alongside it. When a zombie dies, its reanimating life force returns to Dirge, healing him by 50 hp.
Cast Animation: 0.45+0.51
Number of Zombies: 1/2/3/4
Attacks to Multiply: 6
Heal per Zombie Death: 50
Zombie Duration: 30
Cooldown symbol.png 30Mana symbol.png 100/120/140/160
Dirge calls on his fallen brothers to fight for the Dead God.
This ability got replaced by Decay icon.png Decay in the 6.58 gameplay patch.
The zombies spawn all right in front of Undying.
Zombies multiply upon finishing 6 attacks.
A projectile emerges from the zombie, flying towards a random location within a tiny radius. The new zombie appears once theprojectile stops.
The new zombie's duration is equal to the remaining duration of the zombie it was spawned from.
When a zombie dies, they release a projectile which flies towards Undying.
Zombies take purge damage.
The projectile travels at a speed of 600 and heals Undying for 50 health once it reaches him.
Heartstopper AuraPierces spell immunity. ET
Heartstopper Aura icon.png
Aura Affects
Enemies Damage
HP Removal
The Dirge's deathly air stills the hearts of his opponents, causing them to lose their max health over time.
Radius: 250/500/750/1000
Max Health Lost per Second: 1%
Debuff Heartstopper Aura: Undispellable.
Those who come within a short distance of the Dirge can feel pestilence and plague in the air.
This ability was replaced by Tombstone icon.png Tombstone in the 6.58 gameplay patch.
The health loss from Heartstopper Aura is not considered damage, so it does not trigger any on-damage events.
Does not affect ancient creeps and illusions.
Theoretically, affected units die when they stand in range for 100 seconds (assuming nothing else affects their health).
PlagueBlocked by Linken's Sphere. Partially pierces spell immunity. RE
Unknown icon.png
Target Unit Affects
Enemy Heroes Damage
Infects the target with a plague. Reduces movement speed and amplifies incoming damage. Infects other units that come within range of a plagued unit.
Cast Animation: 0.45+0.51
Cast Range: ?
Spread Radius: 200
Damage Amplification: 20%/25%/30%
Movement Speed Slow: 25%
Duration: 7/8/9
Cooldown symbol.png 30Mana symbol.png 100/125/150
Partially pierces spell immunity. Can be cast on spell immune units. The damage is blocked.
Debuff Plague: Undispellable.
This ability got replaced by Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem in the 6.58 gameplay patch.
Can only be cast on heroes. Whether or not the plague can spread on non-heroes is unknown.
The duration of the spread plague debuff is unknown.
Amplifies all damage types by re-dealing 20%/25%/30% of the damage to the target after taking the damage. The re-dealt damage type is always pure.
Version history[edit]
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone attacks to destroy from 3/4/5/7 / 6/8/10/14 to 4/5/6/8 / 8/10/12/16.
Increased base armor from 2 to 3 (total armor is now 4.43).
Increased Strength attribute symbol.png strength gain from 2.1 to 2.4.
Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.
Level 10 right talent: Replaced 30 seconds respawn time reduction with 15 health regeneration bonus.
Level 20 left talent: Increased movement speed bonus from 25 to 30.
Level 15 right talent: Increased experience gain bonus from 30% to 35%.
Level 20 left talent: Increased movement speed bonus from 20 to 25.
Level 20 right talent: Replaced 10 all stats bonus with 50 Tombstone icon.png Tombstone Zombie attack damage bonus
Level 25 left talent: Replaced from 40 Tombstone icon.png Tombstone Zombie attack damage bonus to 2 Decay icon.png Decay cooldown reduction
Level 25 right talent: Increased armor bonus from 12 to 15.
Increased Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem own max health as heal per hero death from 6% to 10%.
Added talents:
Level 10: -30s respawn time or +90 gold per minute
Level 15: +30% experience gain or +300 health
Level 20: +10 all stats or +20 movement speed
Level 25: +40 Tombstone icon.png Tombstone Zombie attack damage bonus or +12 armor
Increased Intelligence attribute symbol.png intelligence gain from 2.5 to 2.8.
Decay icon.png Decay
Increased cast range from 625 to 650.
Increased duration from 40 to 45.
Increased attack range from 128 to 150.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone now treats attacking illusions as creeps. [?]
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone cooldown from 60 to 70.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone
Increased gold bounty from 75/100/125/150 to 125/150/175/200.
No longer has a 44 experience bounty.
Reduced Undying Zombie icon.png Zombie attack damage from 31-39 to 30-36.
Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter
No longer increases Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem max damage amplification from 20%/25%/30% to 30%/35%/40% and heal from 6% to 10% from heroes and 2% to 3% from creeps.
Now increases Decay icon.png Decay strength steal from 4 to 10.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone
Reduced Undying Zombie icon.png Zombie attack damage from 37-45 to 31-39.
Now requires 3/4/5/7 hero attacks or 6/8/10/14 non-hero attacks to destroy, instead of having 175/350/525/700 health.
Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip now restores 2/4/6/8 health to the Tombstone.
Reduced Tombstone icon.png Tombstone health from 200/400/600/800 to 175/350/525/700.
Increased Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip mana cost from 50/75/100/125 to 100/110/120/130.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone
Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies no longer require two hits to kill from Towers.
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem
Reduced minimum damage amplification from 5%/10%/15% (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 15%/20%/25%) to 1% (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 1%).
Reduced minimum slow from 5% to 1%.
Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip
Now sums the damage up into 1 instance, instead of dealing a number of instances.
Can no longer be cast on Tombstone Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone Zombies now require 1 hero attack or 2 non-hero attacks to be killed, instead of having 30 health.
Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip
Rescaled max unit count from 5/10/15/20 to 10/12/14/16.
Rescaled damage/heal per unit from 25 to 18/22/26/30.
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone armor from 4 to 5.
Increased Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem max slow from 15% to 20%.
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone zombie spawn radius from 400/600/800/1000 to 600/800/1000/1200.
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem
Now slows between 5% and 15% movement speed, based on the distance to Undying, instead of a static 9% (same scale mechanic as the damage amplification).
Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
Increased minimum damage amplification from 10%/15%/20% to 15%/20%/25%.
Increased maximum damage amplification from 25%/30%/35% to 30%/35%/40%.
Increased Intelligence attribute symbol.png intelligence gain from 2.0 to 2.5.
Increased Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip radius from 975 to 1300.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone
Increased zombies' Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust health percentage threshold from 5%/10%/15%/20% to 20%/25%/30%/35%.
Zombies no longer give any experience or gold.
Increased Tombstone bounty from 70/90/110/130 to 75/100/125/150.
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem's Plague Aura now affects spell immune units.
Reduced Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 24/18/12/6.
Increased Decay icon.png Decay strength steal duration from 25/30/35/40 to 40.
Increased Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip cast range from 650 to 750.
Reduced Decay icon.png Decay damage from 40/80/120/160 to 20/60/100/140.
Decay icon.png Decay
Increased strength steal duration from 21/24/27/30 to 25/30/35/40.
Increased radius from 300 to 325.
Zombies' Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust movement and attack speed bonus threshold now also triggers if their target is below 5%/10%/15%/20% health.
Reduced Decay icon.png Decay cooldown from 11/9/7/5 to 10/8/6/4.
Reduced Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem cooldown from 90 to 75.
Increased collision size from 12 to 24.
Reduced collision size from 24 to 12.
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone zombies no longer leave a usable corpse.
Increased attack range from 100 to 128.
Increased Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem movement speed slow from 7% to 9%.
Increased Decay icon.png Decay damage from 30/60/90/120 to 40/80/120/160.
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone cast range from 250 to 600.
Increased Tombstone icon.png Tombstone health from 150/300/450/600 to 200/400/600/800.
Added Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter upgrade for Undying: Increases Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem max damage amplification from 20%/25%/30% to 25%/30%/35%, own health as heal per hero death from 6% to 10% and own health as heal per non-hero death from 2% to 3%.
Reduced base Strength attribute symbol.png strength from 25 to 22.
Reduced Intelligence attribute symbol.png intelligence gain from 2.8 to 2.0.
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem no longer heals the Undying from dying illusions.
Reduced Tombstone icon.png Tombstone armor from 10 to 4.
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem
Reduced own health as heal per hero death from 12% to 6%.
Reduced own health as heal per non-hero death from 3% to 2%.
Reduced base armor from 5 to 2 (total armor is now 3.43).
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone no longer spawns zombies for units in the Fog of War.
Reworked Undying.
Changed primary attribute from Intelligence attribute symbol.png intelligence to Strength attribute symbol.png strength.
All his hero stats remain unchanged.
Replaced Raise Dead with Decay icon.png Decay.
Decay icon.png Decay:
Dirge saps away the strength of enemy heroes and retains it for a period of time.
Cast Range: 625
Radius: 300
Damage: 30/60/90/120
Strength steal: 4 per hit hero
Steal duration: 21/24/27/30
Mana cost: 70/90/110/130
Cooldown: 11/9/7/5
Notes: Steals the strength before dealing damage.
Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip can now target buildings owned by Undying (reason explained in the next ability).
Replaced Heartstopper Aura icon.png Heartstopper Aura with Tombstone icon.png Tombstone
Tombstone icon.png Tombstone:
Unholy powers summon a cursed tombstone. Zombies will frequently spawn near each enemy unit and attack them. Zombies have a passive that additively slow their target by 7%. Zombies cannot be controlled.
Cast Range: 250
Zombie spawn radius: 400/600/800/1000
Zombie spawn interval: 3
Duration: 15/20/25/30
Mana cost: 120/130/140/150
Cooldown: 60
Tombstone stats:
Health: 150/300/450/600
Armor: 10
Bounty: 70/90/110/130 Gold
Notes: spell immune, unit type: building, no health regeneration. Can be targeted by Soul Rip.
Zombie stats:
Health: 30
Armor: 0
Attack damage: 37-45
Base attack time: 1.6
movement speed: 375
Bounty: 5-7 Gold
Notes: Zombies are uncontrollable, spell immune and do not count towards Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip. When the Tombstone dies, all zombies die as well.
Zombie ability: Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust:
Slows enemy units on attack. If the attacked unit's health goes below the threshold, the zombie receives enhanced movement and attack speed.
Health threshold: 100/200/300/400
Threshold movement/attack speed bonus: 50%/50
Movement speed slow: 7%
Slow duration: 2.5
Notes: The slow stacks with each attack and stacks with other zombies' slow.
Replaced Plague with Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem
Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem:
Dirge's hatred for all living beings allows him to transform into a monster. While he's transformed he carries a plague that affects nearby enemy units. Strength of the plague depends on how close the enemy is. Amplifies damage enemy units receive and reduces their movement speed (7%). When a plagued unit dies, its essence is transferred back to the Undying.
Max radius: 750
Min radius: 150
Max damage amplification: 20%/25%/30%
Min damage amplification: 5%/10%/15%
Own Max Health as Heal per Hero Death: 12%
Own Max Health as Heal per Non-Hero Death: 3%
Duration: 30
Mana cost: 100
Coodlown: 90
Notes: The damage amplification is strongest within 150 radius, weakest at 700 radius. Its strength changes linearly based on the distance between Undying and uffacted units. Every unit's death heals Undying based on his maximum health, including allies' death. Slow is applied within the full 700 radius.
Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip
Changed damage type to units within range from magical to HP Removal.
The damage done to units within range is no longer lethal.
Increased cast range from unknown to unknown.
Reduced cooldown from 45 to 30.
Raise Dead
Living Deads now have 33% magic resistance.
Reduced Living Deads bounty from unknown to unknown.
Reduced Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip cooldown from 30 on each level to 25/20/15/10.
Increased base armor from 1 to 5 (total armor is now 6.43).
Reduced Raise Dead Living Deads bounty from unknown to unknown.
Changed Heartstopper Aura icon.png Heartstopper Aura damage type from pure to HP Removal.
Reduced Plague movement speed slow from 30% to 25%.
Reduced Strength attribute symbol.png strength gain from 2.6 to 2.1.
Raise Dead
Reduced Living Dead health from 450 to 400.
Reduced armor from 0 to -2.
Increased bounty from unknown to unknown.
Reduced damage amplification from 25%/30%/35% to 20%/25%/30%.
Reduced duration from 7/9/11 to 7/8/9.
Patch history[edit]
24 Oct 2016
Fixed Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip cast order not canceling when the targeted Tombstone icon.png Tombstone expires or is destroyed before cast.
24 Mar 2016
Fixed Tombstone icon.png Tombstone Zombies malfunctioning against illusions.
17 Feb 2016
Enabled Undying minimap icon.png Undying for the Dota Workshop.
17 Dec 2014
Fixed Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip's damage type to units within the radius.
26 Sep 2014
Fixed Undying minimap icon.png Undying Aura slow not updating in the UI properly.
18 Jul 2013
Fixed Backswing behavior for: Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip, Tombstone icon.png Tombstone, Cold Feet icon.png Cold Feet, Ice Vortex icon.png Ice Vortex, Chilling Touch icon.png Chilling Touch, Enfeeble icon.png Enfeeble, Shallow Grave icon.png Shallow Grave, Thunder Strike icon.png Thunder Strike, Kinetic Field icon.png Kinetic Field, Static Storm icon.png Static Storm, Malefice icon.png Malefice, Midnight Pulse icon.png Midnight Pulse, Howl icon.png Howl, Stifling Dagger icon.png Stifling Dagger, Static Link icon.png Static Link, Shrapnel icon.png Shrapnel, Psionic Trap icon.png Psionic Trap, Whirling Axes (Ranged) icon.png Whirling Axes (Ranged), Storm Hammer icon.png Storm Hammer, God's Strength icon.png God's Strength, Wave of Terror icon.png Wave of Terror, Venomous Gale icon.png Venomous Gale, Shadow Word icon.png Shadow Word, Fatal Bonds icon.png Fatal Bonds, The Swarm icon.png The Swarm, Time Lapse icon.png Time Lapse, Maledict icon.png Maledict, Overpower icon.png Overpower and Ice Shards icon.png Ice Shards.
14 Jun 2013
Fixed Undying Zombie icon.png Zombie units losing HP with Soul Rip icon.png Soul Rip.
Fixed Backswing behavior with Rupture icon.png Rupture, Viscous Nasal Goo icon.png Viscous Nasal Goo, Fissure icon.png Fissure, Decay icon.png Decay and Earthshock icon.png Earthshock.
03 Jan 2013
[U] Added animations for Beastmaster minimap icon.png Beastmaster, Undying minimap icon.png Undying, and Venomancer minimap icon.png Venomancer relating to their loadout stance.
13 Dec 2012
Fixed Decay icon.png Decay providing too much healing to Undying.
06 Dec 2012
Undying minimap icon.png Undying's Tombstone icon.png Tombstone now caps at 64 maximum Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies.
15 Nov 2012
Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies no longer spawn other zombies from a stolen Tombstone icon.png Tombstone.
08 Nov 2012
Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies now correctly disable Blink Dagger icon.png Blink Dagger.
25 Oct 2012
Fixed a recent bug that caused Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies to get Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust sooner than intended.
09 Aug 2012
Fixed Tombstone icon.png Tombstone spawning zombies against couriers.
Fixed Tombstone icon.png Tombstone receiving too much aggro from towers.
Fixed Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies not dying when their target becomes invisible.
02 Aug 2012
Fixed Tombstone icon.png Tombstone not spawning zombies near sleeping enemy units.
Fixed a bug with Flesh Golem icon.png Flesh Golem dropping the damage amplification too low outside of maximum distance.
19 Jul 2012
Fixed a case where early game Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies could sometimes get stuck with an earlier or invalid level of Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust into the late game.
Fixed Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies being controllable when their target goes invisible.
12 Jul 2012
Enabled Templar Assassin minimap icon.png Templar Assassin, Disruptor minimap icon.png Disruptor and Undying minimap icon.png Undying in Captain's Mode.
Fixed Jinada icon.png Jinada proccing on Tombstone icon.png Tombstone.
Fixed Poison Sting (Spiderling) icon.png Poison Sting passive proccing on magic immune units (like Undying Zombie icon.png Zombies) and spawning mass Spiderlings.
Fixed Tombstone icon.png Tombstone interaction with Refresher Orb icon.png Refresher Orb.
Fixed Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust sometimes not working properly.
Fixed a bug where Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon.png Deathlust would sometimes not go away.
Decay icon.png Decay now makes the target lose exactly 76 health when cast and heal exactly 76 when it ends. Before the health scaling was causing the target not to lose then gain the correct amount of health.
05 Jul 2012
Added Disruptor minimap icon.png Disruptor and Undying minimap icon.png Undying!
Category: Hero changelogs