اقا من این مشکلو دارم
GHOST 02:26] Starting Garena HostBot...
[ GHOST 02:26] Creating map config file for map: DotA v6.83c.w3x
[ MAP 02:26] loading MPQ file [E:\Warcraft III\\maps\download\DotA v6.83c.w3x]
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_size = 250 105 125 0
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_info = 158 86 207 167
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_crc = 20 166 241 8
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_sha1 = 50 211 30 245 194 116 24 18 82 249 163 43 24 16 9 110 123 150 168 14
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_width = 118 0
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_height = 120 0
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_numplayers = 10
[ MAP 02:26] calculated map_numteams = 2
[ MAP 02:26] found 10 slots
[ MAP 02:26] [MAP] Dota map was detected. If you need to set observers or referees please open and edit: mapcfgs\map.cfg
[ MAP 02:26] wrote config file map.cfg fot the map: DotA v6.83c.w3x
[ GHOST 02:26] setting process priority to "normal"
[ GHOST 02:26] starting winsock
[ GHOST 02:26] all games finished, waiting 60 seconds for threads to finish
[ GHOST 02:26] there are 0 threads in progress
[ GHOST 02:26] shutting down