سلام خدمت دوستان
این اولین پست منه اگه اشکالی داشت دیگه به بزرگی خودتون ببخشید 
خب بریم سراغ اموزش 
In the dungeons of Deva[rque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with longevity, so that its life-sentence for theft and cozening might be as punishing as possible. Over the years, its chains had corroded, along with its sanity; N'aix retained no memory of its former life and no longer dreamt of escape. Seeing a perfect vessel for his plans, the wizard wove a spell of Infestation and cast his life-force into N'aix's body, intending to compel N'aix to sacrifice itself in a frenzy of violence while the mage returned to his body and crept away unnoticed. Instead, the wizard found his mind caught in a vortex of madness so powerful that it swept away his plans and shattered his will. Jarred to consciousness by the sudden infusion of fresh life, N'aix woke from its nightmare of madness and obeyed the disembodied voice that filled its skull, which had only the one thought: To escape. In that moment Lifestealer was born. The creature cast its mind into dungeon guards and soldiers, compelling them to open locks and cut down their companions, opening an unobstructed path to freedom while feeding on their lives. Lifestealer still wears the broken shackles as a warning that none may hold him, but on the inside remains a prisoner. Two minds inhabit the single form--a nameless creature of malevolent cunning, and the Master whose voice he pretends to obey.
والا اینجوری که میگه تو سیاه چال بوده زنجیرشو میخوره عقلشو از دست میده دیگه چیزی از زندگی سابقش یادش نیست فقط فکر فرار بوده اصلا خیلی دلم براش سوخت واسه اینکه ناراحتتون نکنم دیگه متنو ترجمه نکردم اخه خیلی غم انگیزه



نقش هیرو :
نقاط قوت
هیروی کری که اگه ایتماشو بیاره واقعا میتونه بازی رو برگردونه
تقریبا تو تمام بازی قوی هست
لایف استیل و bkb داره خودش
اسکیل های هماهنگ
با اسکیلاش وحشتناک کیل میگیره
جانگلر هست یعنی اگه هیرو دشمن نزاره فارم کنه راحت میره جنگل فارم میکنه
و ...
نقاط ضعف
hp نسبتا کم اول بازی
mana کم اول بازی
اگه نتونه فارم کنه از کریپا هم زودتر کشته میشه .gif)
as نسبتا کم اول بازی
قیافه وحشتناک زشت .gif)
اسکیل ها
اسکیل 1

اسکیل اول این هیرو Rage نام داره که وقتی اسفاده می کنید اتک اسپید میگیره همینطور مجیک اسپل ها به هیرو اثر نمی کند که با هر لول اپ کردن به صورت زیر میشه
Mana CostMANA COST: 75/75/75/75
اسگیل 2
اسکیل ۲ هیرو Feast هست که با هر اتکی که به هیروهای دشمن یا creep های دشمن میدههد HP هیرو هارو مال خودش میکند
LIFE LEECH: 4.5% / 5.5% / 6.5% / 7.5%
اسکیل 3
Open Wounds
با زدن این اسکیل به دشمن حریف Slow میشه و هیرو های خودی میتونن ازش Life Steal کنن
MANA COST: 110/110/110/110
CAST RANGE: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500
Mana CostMANA COST: 110/110/110/110
CooldownCOOLDOWN: 24/20/16/12
اسکیل 4
با استفاده از این اسکیل می تونید داخل بدن تمامی هیرو ها و Creepها(به جز هیرو های دشمن) برید و به مدت بی نهایت بمونید و با خارج شدن دمیج به دشمن بدید
DAMAGE RADIUS: 700 / 700 / 700
DAMAGE: 150 / 275 / 400
Mana CostMANA COST: 50/50/50
CooldownCOOLDOWN: 100/75/50
نکته : با خرید آیتم Aghanim Scepter ultimate scepter میتونید یک اسکیل جدید به هیرو اضافه کنید
با استفاده از این اسکیل می تونید یکی از هیرو های خودی رو ببلعید و با خودتون حمل کنید
ERUPT RADIUS: 700 / 700 / 700
Mana CostMANA COST: 50
CooldownCOOLDOWN: 50
Lifestealer بدن میزبان می خورد از داخل به خارج، و از درون منفجر میشود
Cast Animation: 0+0
Damage Radius: 700
Damage: 150/275/400

با استفاده از این اسکیل کنترل میزبان رو به دست میگیرد
Cast Animation: 0+0

جذب هیرو میشود و به دشمنانی که در نزدیکی است دمیج میدهد
اینم یک روش اسکیل گیری

ایتم بندی
خب میرسیم به بخش خرید ایتم از اونجایی که بنده نوب تشریف دارم پیشنهاد میکنم همون ایتم های پیشنهادی دوتا رو ببندید خیلی بهتره 

ولی ایتم های پیشنهادی دوتا فایر هم خدمتتون عرض میکنم 

Starting Items
Cross your finger to hope you can dominate the late game.
Iron Talon - This item is used to farm early game. Because even you have a natural lifesteal, that is not enough to take out hellbear and other strong neutral camps in the early game. So, Iron Talon fixes your problem. It is a combo if you use this item with your Open Wounds, E. When you're low on hp, simply find a strong enough neutral creeps, cast Open Wounds on it, then Iron Talon. After that keep hitting the creeps. You will regenerate your hp very fast. You only need this item to start, since you can heal without tango and salve.
Early Game
Getting ready for your farm.
Hand of Midas - Rush this item quickly. Get it between 7-10 mins. This will boost your farming.
Phase Boots - Boots of choice for Lifestealer. Many said that the Suggested Items provided by Valve is wrong, since the suggested boots is Power Treads. Well, I'm also one of them. Use this when it's off cooldown, to prevent getting kitted, and boost up your farm a little bit.
Preparing to dominate.
Armlet of Mordiggian - Helps you a lot in fighting, but also farming. Open it when you're farmming all the time. Don't worry about the life drain, you got feast.
Desolator and Sange and Yasha - Sorry about the ones that didn't read the guides and use the build, but you only need to purchase ONE of them! Just one that you like more.
Late Game Dominate
Came out from the jungle like a beast.
Abyssal Blade - Stun those enemies that can escape easily! And kill them before the stun expires if you can.
Mjollnir - You need Attack Speed don't you?
Moon Shard - Mjollnir is not enough? There you go! If you have extra time, just consume it and buy another one.
Depends on what is going on.
Assault Cuirass - Attack speed attack speed attack speed attack speed, but why is this Situational? Before buying, be sure to ask your teammate if they're gonna build it or not, especially there's a Tiny in your team! Because a team, only needs one.
Monkey King Bar - Buy it if you're facing PA, Windranger and other evasion heroes.
Blade Mail - Buy it if the hard hitters are giving you trouble. Be sure to use it when they're hitting you!
Blink Dagger - I tried this, it works quite nice, buy it if you need quick farm, as quick as Anti-Mage!
و هیرو های دوست و دشمن
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