پچ جدید اومده ولی هیچ خبری نیست اینجا![]()
پچ جدید اومده ولی هیچ خبری نیست اینجا![]()
به نظر من بهترین هیروهای پچ اینان:jugg-troll-slark-slardar-brewmaster-magi-od-tusk-sk-huskar-chen-omniThis quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
اصن sk باگه هیچکی تو early game نمیتونه جلوش واسته
پانچ اسلارکم تقریبا نقش سایلنس رو داره
magi هم یه مایداس بیاره فول ایتم میاد بیرون
یه سری هیروها باید خیییییلی نرف شن انبالانسه/یه سری هم باید خیلیییییییی باف شن مثل drow-clinkz
در کل پچ جالبیه تونستم هضمو درکش کنم
کاری کردن یه سری اسپل های بی مصرف مورد فکوس برای لول اپ قرار بگیرهThis quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
امنی نظرم مثب نیست براش چون خاصیت مجیک ایمونیتی اش رو برداشتن این کار برای بازی تا مین 20هم مفیده اما بعد از اون و برای لیت گیم زیاد جالب نیست بنظرم
ترول بنظرم نرف هم شده چطور بهترین هیروی پچه؟
اسلارک رو قبول دارم عجیب غریب باف اش کردن چه خبره اخه
تاسک عالی شده مخصوصا با هیرو هایی که یونیت دارن مثل نیچر و برودمادر و ..
مگی هم دیگه دستش درد نکنه فقط یه قابلیت اهدا اقانیم به یار رو بهش اضافه کنن عالیه D:
درورنجر رو کردن جانگلر
بنظرم اصلا پچ خوبی نبود و بیشتر و بیشتر داره به سبکی پیش میره که راحت باشه و نوب پسند
در کل باف ترین های این پچ بنظرم pa & ogre&bh&huskar&slark&sven
و نرف شده ها هم clinkz&dr&lich
Rubick Arcana Leaks
- Referred to as a "Mantle" and appears to use the BACK slot. (Speculation based on changes)
- Uses kill tracker gem.
- Has postgame UI support.
- Custom VO for all old lines.
Official Changelog
- Minor CPU performance improvements with certain types of art content
- Reworked the Global Item Loadout page to make shuffling items easier to work with.
- Fixed Last Hit Trainer bugs
- Various SFM improvements (material overrides, health bars, etc)
- Fountain damage now cancels effects similar to hero damage (e.g. salve, heart, blink), and now has 25% Accuracy.
Hero UpdatesRubick
- New attack animations listed at the following intervals; 200: fast, 350: faster.
- Back slot designated as the generating slot.
- Increased most slots' maximum polygon allowance by a minor amount.
Sound UpdatesRubick
- Remastered voicelines slightly.
- Added a metric ton of responses for Rubick.
Event UpdatesEvents
- Added Event Entry: Frostivus 2018
- Replaced the Nexon PC Bang scheme with "Perfect World Cyber Cafe".
Engine UpdatesParticles
- Linear Particle Generator now accepts a "Color gem color" parameter.
- New Unit Command: Show/Hide/Toggle Consumable Abilities. | Similar to actions such as Move, Use Ability, Scan, Taunt, Likely Frostivus mechanic
- An item slot can now be designated as the "Generating" slot.
Economy UpdatesInscribed Items
- Inscribed items now consider if the user is in turbo mode or not.
- Added Rubick arcana gem tracker.
UI UpdatesPostgame
- Added Rubick arcana progress tracker.
FantasyFantasy Teams
- Added new role: Mid.
Map UpdatesWinter
- Fixed a patch not being wintery.
- Fixed Cavernite creeps using the winter texture. | Portraits are still broken.
String UpdatesLocalization
- Added new language: Latin America Spanish
- Added new language: Vietnamese
- Fixed Bane's Enfeeble description saying "Effected" instead of "Affected".
- Fixed Wisp's talent description lacking the "'s" in Aghanim's Scepter.
- Fixed the Year Beast's Speed Aura path not having the correct spacing.
Game UpdatesSpells
- Moved some spell's valid targets out of hard code and into the data-driven file.
- Snowball: Added blank cast animation.
- Coal: Added blank cast animation.
- Campfire: HPS reduced from 5 to 0.
- Campfire: Added blank cast animation.
- Firework: Added blank cast animation.
Patch Overview
- Major backend updates to GC-to-GC communication.
- Major updates to the Tools.
- Major Source 2 engine updates.
- (Patch Size: 1.8 GB (with Tools
ارزشِ هر انسان به چیزی که به آن دست مییابد، نیست، بلکه به هدفی است که میلِ رسیدن به آن دارد.
- جبران خلیل جبران
به به , عالی :دیRubick Arcana Leaks
FCB (12-10-2018)
Rubick Arcana & Frosthaven Event
Rubick Arcana
- A style progression system that features custom effects for 115 stolen abilities
- Custom dynamic color effects on the cape that change depending on stolen spells
- A complete set of all-new animations, including cast animations, death animations, run animations, unique stolen spell animations, and more
- New base model, texture, and custom animated pedestal
- New effect and sound for Spell Steal
- Support for dynamic color effects on the Crux of Perplex Immortal Item
- Custom ground effect for players who complete the style progression
- Remastered Voice
- Custom Hero Portrait, Minimap Icon, and Stolen Spell Icon Border Effect
- Custom Emoticon
- EXALTED item Quality on all purchases made before January 21, 2019
you can equip the arcana bundle lmao
Event Updates
- New Event: Frosthaven.
UI Updates
- Added promotional scene for Rubick Arcana.
- Added event panel for "The Frosthaven Update". Panels such as the 7.20 update panel have been removed.
- Disabled play buttons on previous event game modes.
- Added a variety of support panels for Rubick Arcana and Frosthaven.
- Repurposed the Spin Wheel for Frosthaven.
- Sweeping updates to the HUD to support Consumable Abilities.
- Added Rubick Arcana andd Frosthaven Progress Tracker.
- Frosted a bunch of spell icons for Frostivus.
- Added a Rubick Arcana progress panel.
Game Updates
Demo Mode
- Added the ability to spawn a custom enemy hero (instead of Axe).
Dota Plus
- Added a limited time store for Dota Plus.
Economy Updates
- Added Gingerbread Baby Roshan. | Indescribably Rare drop from Frosthaven.
- Updated exchange rates.
String Updates
- Updated the localisation files.
Frostivus 2018 Wheel Drop List
- Announcer: Dr. Kleiner
- Announcer: Juggernaut
- Announcer: Nature's Prophet
- Announcer: Storm Spirit
- Announcer: The Pirate Cap'n
- Announcer: Axe
- Announcer: Death Prophet
- Announcer: Bastion
- Announcer: Tuskar
- Announcer: Pyrion Flax
- Announcer: Defense Grid
- Announcer: GLaDOS
- Announcer: Trine
- Announcer: Lina
- Announcer: Clockwerk
- Announcer: The Stanley Parable
- Announcer: Techies
- Announcer: Rick and Morty
- Announcer: Bristleback
- Announcer: Fallout 4
- Mega-Kills: Juggernaut
- Mega-Kills: Nature's Prophet
- Mega-Kills: The Pirate Cap'n
- Mega-Kills: Bastion
- Mega-Kills: Axe
- Mega-Kills: Storm Spirit
- Mega-Kills: Pyrion Flax
- Mega-Kills: Defense Grid
- Mega-Kills: GLaDOS
- Mega-Kills: Trine
- Mega-Kills: Lina
- Mega-Kills: Clockwerk
- Mega-Kills: The Stanley Parable
- Mega-Kills: Techies
- Mega-Kills: Rick and Morty
- Mega-Kills: Fallout 4
Baby Roshan
- Gingerbread Baby Roshan
- Captain Bamboo
- Yonex's Rage
- Shagbark
- Nimble Ben
- Kupu the Metamorpher
- The Llama Llama
- Itsy
- Mok
- Blotto and Stick
- Tinkbot
- Alphid of Lecaciida
- Waldi the Faithful
- Arnabus the Fairy Rabbit
- Deathripper
- Coco the Courageous
- Tory the Sky Guardian
- Throe
- Cluckles the Brave
- Butch
- Ramnaught of Underwool
- Porcine Princess Penelope
- Prismatic Drake
- Forgotten Renegade
- Iron Hog
- Elder Convergence
- Boilerplate Bruiser
- Icebrew Angler
- Epoch of the Abysm
- War-Burrow Ravager
- Frostshard Ascendant
- Portent Payload
- Icewrack Marauder
- Stoutheart Growler
- Eye of the Weathered Storm
- Purveyor of the First Ways
- Winter's Warden
- Sign of the Netherfrost
- Bitterwing Legacy
- Seasoned Expeditionary
- Snowpack Savage
- Treasure of the Frosted Flame
- Treasure of the Rotted Gallows
- Treasure of the Forged Fury
- Treasure of the Mender's Palm
- Treasure of the Onyx Eye
- Treasure of the Tangled Keepsake
- Treasure of the Elemental Trophy
- Treasure of the Cannon's Fuse
- Treasure of the Trapper's Pelt
- Treasure of Molten Steel
- Treasure of the Ram's Renewal
- Treasure of the Spring Blossom
- Treasure of the Forgotten Myth
- Sculptor's Pillar 2015
- Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World
- Treasure of the Grimsneer's Stash
- Treasure of the Dreamer's Flame
- Treasure of the Cherished Hoard
- Treasure of the Autumn Flurry
- Treasure of the Glacial Abyss
- Treasure of the Autumn Flurry Perfect World
- Treasure of the Cherished Hoard Perfect World
- Treasure of the Distinguished Conqueror
- Treasure of the Southern Sojourn
- Treasure of the Crafter's Relic
- Treasure of the Burning Grove
- Treasure of the Seer's Eyeglass
- Treasure of the Tireless Crafter
- Patch Size: 635.8 MB
ارزشِ هر انسان به چیزی که به آن دست مییابد، نیست، بلکه به هدفی است که میلِ رسیدن به آن دارد.
- جبران خلیل جبران
پچ جدیدThis quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
هیرو جدید
ست جدید
در مواقع بالا همیشه میرفم به مابقی کارهام میرسیدم![]()
قرار بود امروز فصل جدید بازیهای رنک شروع بشه که تا به الان خبری نشده...
شایعه قریب به صحت هم هست که میگن با همین آپدیت یا بزودی هیروی جدید یعنی Mars هم به دوتا 2 اضافه خواهد شد!
احتمال داره این آپدیت هم مثل پچ 7.20 با یک روز تاخیر نسبت به موعد مقرر روانه بشه یا اینکه نهایتا تا امشب airش کنند...
در کل که آماده باشید![]()
ارزشِ هر انسان به چیزی که به آن دست مییابد، نیست، بلکه به هدفی است که میلِ رسیدن به آن دارد.
- جبران خلیل جبران
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مثل اینکه فصل جدید ranked بطور کلی در ماه ژانویه (ماه جاری میلادی) خواهد بود و تاریخ دقیقش مشخص نیست.
اینکه من گفتم "اولین روز ژانویه" اشتباه هست. عذرخواهی میکنم.
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