April 30, 2011 Patch
New Hero:

July 29, 2011 Patch
Fixed Shrapnel slow not getting upgraded per level
August 02, 2011 Patch
Fixed the cast time on Assassinate
Assassinate keeps units from going invisible
Fixing the duration on the Shrapnel's slow. It was hardcoded to 1.5 and now it's 2.0
August 07, 2011 Patch
Fixed Legacy hotkeys on

Sniper and Earthshaker
September 09, 2011 Patch
Sniper will only say his shrapnel line if he captures any heroes in the radius
September 29, 2011 Patch
Fixed Assassinate ministun interaction with BKB
November 03, 2011 Patch
Fixed Assassinate reveal debuff never disappearing if the target dodges it with a blink
February 16, 2012 Patch
Fixed Headshot bonus proc damage working against Towers and Buildings
Fixed Headshot working while Doomed
July 19, 2012 Patch
Added teleport start and end animations for

Sniper, Spirit Breaker and Weaver
Added spawn animations for

Sniper and Weaver
September 13, 2012 Patch
Broken down a number of existing hero models into multiple parts Death Prophet, Enchantress, Huskar, Silencer,

Sniper, Storm Spirit, Venomancer and Weaver
November 30, 2012 Patch
:Pseudo Random chances are now enabled for these abilities
Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grâce
Slardar's Bash
Faceless Void's Time Lock
Brewmaster's Drunken Brawler's critical strike
Sniper's Headshot
Juggernaut's Blade Dance
Chaos Knight's Chaos Strike
Lycanthrope's Shapeshift's critical strike
Skeleton King's 16px Critical Strike
March 14, 2013 Patch
Fixed Headshot not working on units like Spirit Bear,Warlock's Golem, etc
Fixed Shrapnel doing slightly less damage than intended to towers
Fixed Headshot's physical damage bonus being blocked by Magic Immunity
April 19, 2013 Patch
Added victory animations and more aggressive posing of idle, run and attack when enemy is in range