مگه با sheever رفیق بوده این یارو bulldong ؟؟؟؟؟This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
یارو چیه اقای محترم ، در زمان خودش یکی از بهترین بازیکنای دوتا بوده تک تک بازی هاش رو یادمه یکی از طرفداراش بودم اون موقع . خیلی بهتر از بازیکنای مطرح الان بود
قبول دارم ولی خودتونم اشاره کردید : بوده* ( پس الان در این حد نیست ) .... زمان زیادی گذشته ، اگه به قبلا باشه که من دندی اون موقع رو بیشتر از همین bulldong در هر زمانی قبول دارم .This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
ولی لامصصب اینطور که توی یوتیوب دیدم یه زمان با helena اسکله ( همون دختره توییچش hellenalives هست ) هم دوست بوده و استیریماش رو دیدم که با هم بازی کردن
هرکسی دورانی داره دیه باید بهش احترام بذاریم به عقیده من
Lone MaMaD (12-02-2015),[DR.[mmL (12-01-2015)
همین الان داشتم استریمش میکردم lol بازی میکرد چه جیغ هایی میکشیدThis quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote
سر یکی داد میزد که چرا زیادی دای دونیت میکنی(البته با جیغ تشکر میکرد)
.One Day Someone Gonna End This Reign of Terror
I Am A Gamer Not Because I Don't Have A Life
.But Because I Choose To Have Many
bulldog الان فقط واسه خندست! پلیر خیلی فانی هست ولی خب قابل احترام هم هست...
br0kenrabbit: hiخخخخ
Greg_ValveOLS: good evening
br0kenrabbit: What’s ip?
br0kenrabbit: up?
Greg_ValveOLS: my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team
br0kenrabbit: On MSN?
Greg_ValveOLS: yes
br0kenrabbit: Why?
Greg_ValveOLS: we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information
br0kenrabbit: My information?
Greg_ValveOLS: we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?
br0kenrabbit: No. I don’t even have it written down.
Greg_ValveOLS: hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?
br0kenrabbit: Well…
Greg_ValveOLS: if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. L
br0kenrabbit: Well
Greg_ValveOLS: dont worry this connect it secure
br0kenrabbit: Can I be honest with you, Greg?
Greg_ValveOLS: k
br0kenrabbit: Look, I don’t know how you go this MSN account name, don’t really care, either.
br0kenrabbit: Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you’ll see.
Greg_ValveOLS: huh?
Greg_ValveOLS: bs
br0kenrabbit: Trace it.
Greg_ValveOLS: how
br0kenrabbit says:Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.
Greg_ValveOLS: oh k
br0kenrabbit: As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.
br0kenrabbit: I’m putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.
Greg_ValveOLS: why?
br0kenrabbit: Have you read the ToS?
Greg_ValveOLS: Tod?
Greg_ValveOLS: tos
br0kenrabbit says:terms of service
Greg_ValveOLS: were?
br0kenrabbit: Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.
Greg_ValveOLS: why
br0kenrabbit: I just told you why
br0kenrabbit: I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I’m going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?
Greg_ValveOLS: k
br0kenrabbit says:First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxx xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Is this you?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Are you the only user of this account?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Okay, and what is the username
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Okay.
br0kenrabbit: I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you.
Greg_ValveOLS: some. dude
Greg_ValveOLS: m
br0kenrabbit sayso you always log on from the same IP?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit says:And who is your internet providers, your ISP?
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit says:Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.
Greg_ValveOLS: am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?
br0kenrabbit: What is your city of residence?
br0kenrabbit: That depends on if you cooperate. You’re doing fine so far.
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Illinios?
Greg_ValveOLS: yes
br0kenrabbit: Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.
Greg_ValveOLS: why
br0kenrabbit: So I can update your account.
Greg_ValveOLS: can I play 2 nite
Greg_ValveOLS: clan fight
Greg_ValveOLS: wont win without me heh
br0kenrabbit: Heh. You’ll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Okay. Give me just a moment.
br0kenrabbit: Try to log in now.
Greg_ValveOLS: k
Greg_ValveOLS: It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?
br0kenrabbit : Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: did u ban me???????????>WHY
br0kenrabbit: Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: what
br0kenrabbit: Valve will never ask for your username and password.
Greg_ValveOLS: what????
br0kenrabbit: I don’t work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.
Greg_ValveOLS: omg dude wtf why?
br0kenrabbit: Why were you trying to steal my account?
Greg_ValveOLS: i wanst
br0kenrabbit: Then why were you asking for my information?
Greg_ValveOLS: i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i’m only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it
br0kenrabbit: Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: dude pleas
Greg_ValveOLS: what
br0kenrabbit: Go mow some yards, bitch.![]()
طرف چقدر راحت باورش شد که این بابا برای استیم کار میکنه و از اونورم شروع کرد قدم ب قدم جواب دادن سؤالها
در کل دست مریزاد =d>
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